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Clarification on Involvement in Civil Lawsuit and Defense of Saint Lucia’s CIP Program Integrity

I recently found myself unexpectedly named as a co-defendant in a civil lawsuit in the United States, initiated by MSR Media International and Philippe Martinez. This lawsuit also involves former and current government officials of St. Kitts and Nevis, and certain Citizenship by Investment (CIP) actors now engaged in a hotel project in Saint Lucia.

In a DBS interview on June 6, 2024, with Lisa Joseph, Philippe Martinez suggested that conversations with me implied involvement of Hon. Dr. Ernest Hilaire, Minister responsible for the CIP Programme, in a supposed CIP scam. I find it necessary to address these statements and clarify the context and content of my discussions with Mr. Martinez.

  1. Reason for the Meeting: My decision to meet Mr. Martinez was driven by a concern over my unexpected inclusion in the lawsuit. I aimed to understand the basis of my involvement and mitigate potential damage to the reputation of the Saint Lucia CIP Unit.
  2. Nature of the Meeting: During our meeting, which was arranged at Mr. Martinez’s request through his representative, no evidence was provided that substantiated any allegations of misconduct within the Saint Lucia CIP Programme.
  3. Discussions on Allegations: Contrary to what has been suggested, I clearly stated during our meeting that I was unaware of any involvement by Hon. Hilaire or any other official in any fraudulent activities linked to the CIP Programme.
  4. Legal Compliance and Transparency: I emphasized that all procedures related to the issuance of real estate shares under the CIP were legally compliant, with funds correctly managed within an established Escrow account.
  5. Personal Stance: At no point during our discussion did I indicate or imply that Hon. Hilaire or any Saint Lucian official was a subject of concern in relation to any alleged scam.

My commitment remains strong to uphold the law and adhere to the highest standards of international practice within the CIP Unit. I am dedicated to protecting both my integrity and that of the CIP Unit against these claims. I will take all necessary steps to ensure that the truth prevails and that the established procedures and reputation of the Saint Lucia CIP Programme remain untarnished.

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