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Corporate Social Responsibility

Do well by doing good

Outbound Investment aspires to go above and beyond our mission statement and to make positive contributions to the communities we are in and to the world overall while ensuring that this does not detract from our core purpose.


Our corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy guides our work across:

  • Providing sustainable benefits for our clients;
  • Minimizing our impact on the environment, both directly and in what we do for our clients;
  • Providing support for the wellbeing and development of staff;
  • Securing our own financial sustainability and independence;
  • Improving the positive impact on the communities we live and work in and reducing the negative impact;
  • Developing our partnerships with suppliers and encouraging their CSR mandates;
  • Continuous development of our governance and transparency.

Communication across the Outbound Investment team of our intentions and achievements, and to encourage support, ideas, and involvement business-wide have seen a huge step this year. We have plans to introduce CSR champions in each area of our business and create volunteering team events through a structured communication strategy.

The transition to net-zero by 2050 has become the collective responsibility of businesses of all shapes and sizes in accordance with government guidelines in many nations. We are getting support from thought leaders in our business community to help us develop a plan to achieve this. Outbound Investment recycles all its outmoded office hardware through charitable partner Netspring and repurposes the devices for use in schools in China’s poorer areas.

By working with Outbound Investment, you will be making a tangible positive impact on impoverished children in rural China.
We have recently worked with two separate charitable partners that offer educational and medical support where it would not otherwise be available.

We’re bringing everyone into our efforts – staff, members, community, suppliers.
CSR is at the core of what we do as an ethical and transparent business.